Not Haunted

I stare at the flyer, a sense of dread pooling in the bottom of my stomach like wet cement. I could still move while it was fresh, but soon it would start to harden and I’d be stuck under its weight. It was just a matter of when not if. House for Sale; NOT HAUNTED […]

The Paranoid Rambles of a Teenage Test Taker

I tap my number two pencil, the official pencil of life changing tests, on the desk, ready to rip open the paper tab that sealed the mathematics portion of my test closed. I’ve already been trapped in the classroom for what felt like days. My back is hurting, my butt is asleep, and I shiver […]

Where the Runoff Ends (Tiktok inspired)

My legs trembled beneath me from exhaustion as I pushed through the dense brush. The path I followed had been narrowing for miles and was now little more than an outline in the wild grass and overhanging limbs. I could hear the gentle lapping of the water before I saw it. The end of the […]

Jurassic Sock Hop

Millions of years before the Cretaceous The Earth was filled with something dangerous Reptile feet that knew how to groove They’d twist and twirl and bust a move In a special place, there were no fights No pushing, shoving. No nips or bites Yes, on the dance floor they got along Up all night to […]

Toxic Love Pt. 2- Brace for It

All and all, the end of the world was more fun than I thought it would be. It was certainly more interesting now, two years after Launch Day with Kiara by my side. The world ending offers you so much freedom, but before she came along, I wasn’t living, just surviving like I had before […]

Here We Goat Again…

            I still couldn’t believe it led to this. A lifetime of dreams, a decade of laughter, and now three months in a courthouse fighting over stuff I didn’t even care about anymore. How did it come to this, divorce? I guess the signs were there…. Bossy had been distant and moody for months, but […]

Happy New Year! (Not a story)

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a restful and relaxing holiday season! So, I know you have been missing posts from me and I apologize for that. I have been busy getting together an application for a new Universal program that opened up at the tail end of last year, then the holidays hit, […]


Hey everyone, I just wanted to stop in and give you an update. I know there hasn’t been an upload on here since September but the blog is not dead. First of all my other computer died and I had to get a new one. Then in October a narrative writing internship opened up that […]

Sunny Day

Kaitlyn stared at the coffee maker as it crackled faintly, filling the glass pot with the sweet life giving brew at an excruciating slow pace. She looked down at her phone to scroll through Instagram to distract her from the seemingly glacial progress but not even cat pictures or sunrises from some far away beach […]

Red Light Green Light

Ashley             My car door pulled open with a weary creak that almost perfectly reflected the level of exhaustion in my own soul that comes with years of working in customer service. I slumped into driver’s seat as I tossed my jacket and purse into the backseat with reckless abandon. Starting the car, I pulled […]